The company

Friulana Marmi S.n.c. was set up in 1960 and was the first Company working in Piasentina stone to set up its premises in the valley, and to provide the site with electrical power and suitable plant, thereby setting the course for the modern style of working the local raw material. 
In 1988 the Company moved to its current premises that measure 18,000 m2, with a up-to-date equipped 4,000 m² building for the cutting and finishing of Piasentina stone. It works with blocks of stone taken from the quarries it owns, and employs about thirty people between the extraction and finishing operations. 
The Company offers a vast range of options – from semi-worked stone for the small stonemason to small orders for private customers, from public tenders to complete fulfilment of requests from international contractors. In addition to its well-established position on the domestic market, the number of enquiries received from abroad is continually increasing. North America and the Far East markets have been in the best position to experience and appreciate Friulana Marmi’s S.n.c. products and professionalism.
The company
Our factory
Our factory

About thirty machines are installed inside the 4,000 m²-covered areas. These include: 1 gang saw, 3 single-blade cutters, 3 block cutters, 4 beam-mounted milling saws, 2 polishing lines, 2 flaming lines, 1 curb production line, 1 edge polishing machine, 1 tumbling line and various trimming machines.

Our technical office
Our technical office

This has become the hub of our Company’s activities. It is here that quotations, management and execution of orders take place. Our technical staff is always on hand to provide advice regarding the choice of finish, sizing of elements, installation and anchoring systems, surface treatment and maintenance.

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I dati personali richiesti in fase di inoltro dell'ordine sono raccolti da Friulana Marmi s.n.c. e trattati su supporti informatici, al fine di soddisfare le obbligazioni nascenti dal contratto concluso con il Cliente e non verranno in nessun caso e a nessun titolo ceduti a terzi. Friulana Marmi s.n.c. arantisce ai propri Clienti il rispetto della normativa in materia di trattamento dei dati personali, disciplinata dal codice della privacy di cui al DLgs. N. 196 del 30.06.03. Titolare del trattamento dati è Friulana Marmi s.n.c. , Via G. Piccaro 18 – 33040 Torreano (UD). Al cliente, in ogni momento, spetta il diritto di revocare il consenso al trattamento dei dati personali con comunicazione scritta da inviarsi a Friulana Marmi s.n.c., all'indirizzo info@friulanamarmi.it. Il cliente, ai sensi dell’art. 7 del D.Lgs. n. 196/2003, ha il diritto di accedere ai propri dati secondo le modalità ivi previste. Le comunicazioni marketing verranno inviate solo dietro esplicito consenso del Cliente rilasciato unitamente all'autorizzazione al trattamento ed all’invio nel modulo di registrazione online.